Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 16-18, 2014 Spring SAMBOREE - Bethpage, Urbana, VA


ODC Sponsored Motorcycle Ride

ODC Pot Luck Feast!!

ODC Pot Luck Feast!!
Old Dominion Cardinals

Meeting Minutes – May 17, 2014

The meeting was called to order by President Sandy Freed after Saturday breakfast.  May’s campout was the Spring Samboree held at Bethpage campground in Urbanna, VA.  Present were the following rigs: Alexander, Freed, Halstead, Matheny, Messerle, Lawrence, Kuhne, Simmons, Tolson, Welford, Winder, and Zerhusen.

We welcomed our new members – Ed and Sara Kuhne.

Old Business:

The Secretary and Treasurer’s reports were emailed to everyone before the campout.  Reports were approved as sent.

Samboree Plans:

50/50 raffle – 50 % will go to winner of raffle, 50% to the club.  Rebecca has tickets and will get change.  Larry has the white board and will make a sign. Price will be $1.00 per ticket.  6 for $5.00.  We collected $107.00. So the raffle winner received $53.50 and ODC will keep $53.50 for our treasury.

The motorcycle ride had beautiful weather, but low participation.  Only one other rider besides ODC members attended.  $45.00 was raised for Wounded Warrior EOD.

ODC was to host the Saturday night beverage service, but due to changes in Bethpage rules, no beverages or food are allowed in the Rally center.

Sunshine Lady Report: Mem spoke with the Raymonds.  They are both having health issues, but did not give specifics.  They did say it would be awhile before they would be able to camp with us.  Jim Settles had his last treatment and they looked forward to camping with us in June.
New Business:

This is the election year for a State Director.  Nomination forms need to be filled out by June 30th.  Sandy will let the chapter know who has been nominated and the vote is due by September 30th.

June Campout will be at Virginia Beach.  June 20-22 Hosts are Freeds and Winders.  May 1st is deadline to register.  If you register after, there is no guarantee of parking with the group, if they have space available.
July Campout is Endless Caverns July 18 -20.  Please make reservations early as they fill up during the summer.

The fall Samboree is at Rockahock.  The chapter presidents voted to have a better Friday night meal provided by the campground.  The cost for full hookup is $159.00 for the weekend.  There are 160 full hookup sites.  The first to register will receive those spots.  There are about 30 spaces with electric and water hookups.  Saturday night there is an optional fish fry.  ODC decided to do our own thing instead of the fish fry.  There will be a deadline of 7:00 p.m. for parking on Friday night.  The campground feels it is to dark in the campground to park after that time.  If arrival is after the deadline, the rig will be parked in the overflow for the night, and moved in the morning.  The fall Samboree information and application will be available on the website shortly.

The meeting was adjourned

Rebecca Messerle